12 Challenges – we solved for our BN4L customers in 2024
1. Message monitoring – Shift from Reactive to Proactive monitoring of message between SAP TM and BN4L.
One of our key customers faced a challenge that carriers are raising tickets after 10-15 days of shipment that they are not able to report POD or not able to create a dispute in BN4L. Support team analysis the tickets and found that messages are failing in BN4L-FC side and Carrier never got the document in the freight execution and Freight settlement tiles. On the other side, it is not a practical to regularly monitor “Manage integration logs” App in BN4L. NAV IT implemented the solution to monitor the logs in the background and notify the topic owner based on failure message. For example, we had a common error “Duplicate charge Type”, the monitoring tool identifies the topic owner and triggers an email to the topic owner with the with error detail. This smart solution simply changed the approach from “Reactive to Proactive” and improved the issue resolution efficiency by 40%.
2. Road shipment trackingTracking of shipments are very crucial for industries, like retail, bottlers, ecommerce, etc. Usually, customers buy small quantity and perishable products. Missing the delivery time of products impacts the profits as well as the brand value of the company. NAV IT has developed a solution for drivers which complements SAP GTT and provides following benefits-
Visibility on the inbound shipment is very important to optimize the logistics. Our customer faced following problems due to lack of inbound visibility:-
In majority cases, supplier just provides a Bill of Lading(BOL) document via email. It is impossible for a Buyer to track each container on the website of the shipping lines. Our AI based solution(Pluto-BOL), enables the customer to start tracking of the shipment in Global track & track(SAP GTT) in less than 2 minutes. To know more, contact us.